Only Admin, Prof, SAC,TAs, Committees can login
- Enter timetable details in database(Fixed for the sem)
- If a particular classroom (which is not available)is required for some event, admin has to reschedule the class to some other room according to capacity required and inform professor about the change
- Grant or reject the requests by professors, SAC, Committees, TAs(by considering the purpose)
- After granting, notify the prof/SAC/Committees with all details of the room. Also, notify the cleaning staff to clean the room before the class/event starts(If asked for while requesting for classroom). Also, Notify Security to open the room for cleaning and class/event as well.
- If a request is rejected, notify Prof/SAC, committees that their request was rejected.
- View Classrooms available according to filters like building(Ramanujan, Aryabhatta), minimum capacity required, time slot and purpose of asking for room request.
- They will have an option to notify the cleaning staff if the classroom is granted and if they want that room to be cleaned.
- Purpose can be:
- Event ( Then show all rooms as rescheduling is an option)
- Exams( Show classrooms according to the fact that students capacity should be double the no. of students registered in course. )
- Extra class(Normal classroom availability)
- Meeting with SAC/Committees/TAs
- Request for rooms according to capacity required, purpose, time slot
- Ask for cleaning the room before slot time.(Optional)
- Purpose can be:
- Meeting within Committee
- Interaction with Students
- Interaction with prof. (In this case, the prof has to request for room.)
docker pull mysql:5.7.29
docker run --name cms-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -e MYSQL_DATABASE=cms_db -e MYSQL_USER=cms_user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=cms_password -d mysql:5.7.29
docker build -t cms-springboot .
docker run -t -p 8082:8082 --name cms-springboot --link cms-mysql:mysql -d cms-springboot