This repo contains sample mvn spring-boot projects for:-
- spring-mongodb contains Spring-Bot JPA and Mongo Repository.
- spring-h2-sample H2 in memory DB sample with spring boot .
- spring-security Spring security with in memory users and Http basic auth for REST Api's.
- spring-DBAuth Spring security with DB integrated Http basic auth for REST Apis's.
- spring-DBAuth-jwt Spring security with DB integrated JWT token auth for REST Apis's.
- spring-cloud Sample spring boot microservices with eureka server and eureka client with api-gateway.
- spring-kafka Spring Cloud event driven example using kafka asa event bus.
- spring-boot-gradle Sample spring boot project with gradle.
- config Spring configurations folder.
- ELK-Stack ELK stack for logs.
- Logging Spring boot logging sample.
- kafka-server Kafka and zookeeper docker-compose container.
- kafka-consumer Spring cloud streams cloud consumer consuming messages on the topic from kafka.
- kafka-consumer Spring cloud streams cloud producer producing messages on the topic to kafka.
Sample Eureka server with eureka clients microservices and hystrix dashboard for the fallback and monitoring:-
- eureka-server Eureka server for the microservices.
- api-gateway Api gateway for Users and Orders service.
- hystrix-dashboard Hystrix dashboard for monitoring services.
- user-service User-service for managing users.
- order-service Order-service for managing orders.
- event-bus event-bus for communicating between services.
- Users Documenet
- Roles Document
- Authorities Document
- User Table
- Role Table
- Authorities Table
- In memory user with fixed roles and credential's for authentication with basic http auth.
- Users with credential's authentication from mongo DB.
- Roles based route authentication.
- Permission based route authentication.
Spring boot with mongo db authentication with JWT token Authentication for the routes. It includes:-
- Users with credential's authentication from mongo DB.
- Login and signup route open to all.
- Token based authentication for all the remaining routes.