Create custom personal logs for visualization with gource.
Tested on OS X 10.7.4 with Node.js 0.8.16
- To run type:
node app.js
- Follow prompt to log tasks
- Use gource to visualize your
- The script prompts the user to enter a task:
Task > Vocabulary
- If the task exists it is simply logged with a timestamp (for example):
otherwise a new prompt is shown:
Enter name of parent task > Japanese
Enter name of parent task > Study
Enter name of parent task >
"ENTER" (no parent task, done)
This records "Study/Japanese/Vocabulary" to a log file in gource format.
Gource custom log format example:
See gource readme for more info.
Entered tasks are stored in config.json and the log is in gource.log. Both files are created at runtime. The script will automatically log new tasks with 'A' (added) and existing tasks 'M' (modified), which simply means "I worked on this task again" in our case.
It's up to the user to use gource to create visualizations from the log.
In the app directory run:
node app.js
Enter tasks and their parent tasks.
Press "Enter" when done with a task
To generate a basic gource file from the log produced by this program run
gource gource.log --stop-at-end --camera-mode track -1280x720 -o gource.ppm
Then convert it to a video:
ffmpeg -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i gource.ppm -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 1 -threads 0 -bf 0 gource.mp4
How to customize the look of videos:
More info about creating videos:
- Each task and its "parent" (if one exists) is saved to config.json. When you type "Grammar" and then "Japanese" you will not need to enter "Study" as the parent task if you entered "Japanese" previously. The log entry will be "Study/Japanese/Grammar".
Some additional features that could be implemented:
Auto-complete for existing tasks
Adding custom colors to log entries Gource custom log format allows specifying optional color (in hex):