Angular (v4) FrontEnd + .Net WebApi BackEnd
- Latest Angular version (4)
- Webpack build, 2 configurations - chunks and splitting
- Angular style guide conform
- Core and shared modules
- Services and pipes
- Affirmation and Alert Service/Components
- Bootstrap (with overriden .less variables)
- Less stylesheets
- IE + IIS compatible + Windows Authentication
- Client to Server side logging with server side logger configuration (configuration in code + levels in .json)
Based on:
Tested in IE11 (with core-js shim): no errors neither in Browser Console nor in VS2017 Console. Also tested with local IIS (Project switched back to use IISExpress)
Several Modules added: Shared, Core Module with services, pipes and components. Angular routing is configured with IIS Express Url Rewrite rules: dealing fine with browser refresh/back, 404 Page, in-app and url routing.
Windows Authentication added to web.config. (For IISExpress: changes in applicationhost.config needed)
Added server side logging from cleint side with RequestId (NLog + JSNLog). Adding RequestId to WebApi calls needed.
Splitted webpack configuration to vendor (with polyfills) and app code using DllPlugin. Added watch mode to app bundle. Changed mapping tool to 'eval-cheap-module-source-map'. SpeedUp: from 22sec to 12sec + 7sec w/o need to manually build app bundle. (Former config is still there, but references in index.html were changed - polyfills are now part of vendor). Use npm run build:vendor, then npm run build:app.
- Some 3rd part components added:
- angular-tree-component
- swimlane/ngx-datatable: with serverside sorting and paging
- Added service to remote api (not yet part of this repo) and some models for it. Still in testphase.
- BreadCrumbs Component
- Alert timeouts + pause
- If Remote Api not accessible -> redirect to specific page (Now
, shozuld be smth. likeDataServiceNotFoundComponent
) - Upgraded to Angular 4.3.x & webpack 3.4.x
- Added simple "App Loader" animation (css) before Angular app loads.
- Added new script to
: npm run profile. Generates stats.json for analysing withwebpack-bundle-analyzer
- After this analysis:
- moved @angular/forms to vendor bundle
- excluded some locales from momentjs, saves ~400kb! Webpack plugin:
webpack.ContextReplacementPlugin(/moment[\\\/]locale$/, /^\.\/(en|de)$/)
- Read logger configuration from server before app load
- Moved Logger configuration from .xml to code (for JSNlog, Common.Logging & NLog)
- Added compodoc to generate documentation, but it's not fully working - comments ignored (and no documentation coverage), no routes graph. (Usage: .npm run doc)
- Added typedoc to generate documentation, works but no graphs and coverage report (Usage: .npm run typedoc)
- Simple App Error page (if Angular fails)
- Logger names as Enums (both server and client side)