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Raptor Web Framework

Inspired by Laravel and Iris

Why Raptor web framework? We love fasthttp, we love speed. Basically Raptor is using fasthttp, fasthttprouter, ffjson packages under the hood.


The only requirement is the Go Programming Language

$ go get -u

Quick Start

package main

import (

func main() {
  r := raptor.New()
  r.GET("/", func(c *raptor.Context) error {
    return c.JSON(raptor.Map{"message":"hello world"})

Multiple Hosts

import (

type host map[string]raptor.HandlerFunc

// Routing is to route to specific domain
func (hs host) Routing(ctx *raptor.Context) error {
  if cb := hosts[string(ctx.Host())]; cb != nil {
    cb = middleware.CORS(corsConfig)(cb)
    return cb(ctx)
  return ctx.JSON(fmt.Errorf("page not found"), fasthttp.StatusNotFound)

func main() {
  api := raptor.New()
  api.GET("/", func(c *raptor.Context) error {
    return c.JSON(raptor.Map{"message":"hello world"})

  open := raptor.New()
  open.GET("/", func(c *raptor.Context) error {
    return c.JSON(raptor.Map{"message":"hello world"})

  hosts[""] = api.Handler()
  hosts[""] = open.Handler()

  r := raptor.New()
  r.Start(":8080", hosts.Routing)

Variable Binding

  api := raptor.New()
  api.GET("/", func(c *raptor.Context) error {
    var i struct {
	    Name string `json:"name" xml:"name" query:"name"`

    if err := c.Bind(&i); err != nil {
      return err

	  return c.JSON(raptor.Map{"message":"hello world"})


  api := raptor.New()
  api.GET("/", func(c *raptor.Context) error {
    var i struct {
	    Name string `json:"name" xml:"name" query:"name"`

    if err := c.Bind(&i); err != nil {
      return err

    if message, err := c.Validate(&i); err != nil {
      return err

	  return c.JSON(raptor.Map{"message":"hello world"})

Error Handling

Custom Error

MIT License