In this research project within the domain of Human-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence, I led the full-stack design and development of a college admissions AI platform to study the key factors affecting trust in an AI system recommendations. This project was done in collaboration with a multidisciplinary five-member team at Sorbonne University, University Paris Sud and University of Waterloo.
Open one terminal window:
- navigate to folder on computer (ensure python installed)
- run:
npm install
node server.js
- Open browser, go to to start the experiment
note: ENSURE that <script src="/js/osc.min.js"></script> is added to all html
- Ensure Python (v3.7.1) and node is installed on computer as described here:
- navigate to folder on computer
- run cmd, same as above
- Sign consent form
- Assign participant ID (make note)
- Set delay = long/ short in
- Press on F11 to enter full screen for experiment
Gets saved to folder outputs/