This repository holds a Drag'n'Drop extended TabPane which is an extension of the default JavaFX TabPane.
This TabPane was written by Tom Schindl at BestSolution and is part of the "org.eclipse.fx.ui.controls" bundle which itself is part of the SWT on JavaFX efforts.
It has been extracted for easier reusability in the JVx JavaFX project.
RT-19659 is the request which is concerned with getting such a functionality into the default JavaFX TabPane. It is at the moment slated for version 9.
Source code in this repository is licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0.
The DndTabPane needs to be wrapped in an additional container pane, and can be created via the factory:
Pane containerPane = DndTabPaneFactory.createDefaultDnDPane(FeedbackType.MARKER, null);
DndTabPane tabPane = (DndTabPane) containerPane.getChildren().get(0);
There is also a more fine-grained method available:
// Create the necessary panes.
DndTabPane tabPane = new DndTabPane();
StackPane containerPane = new StackPane(tabPane);
// We need to create the skin manually, could also be your custom skin.
DnDTabPaneSkin skin = new DnDTabPaneSkin(tabPane);
// Setup the dragging.
DndTabPaneFactory.setup(FeedbackType.MARKER, containerPane, skin);
// Set the skin.