A pre-alpha bot for the game Screeps Arena written in Typescript and C++ in WebAssembly.
- Core of the bot is written in C++ which is compiled to WebAssembly by the LLVM compiler, improving performance over using JavaScript alone
- JavaScript merely updates WASM with the current world state and has no AI logic
- Code written in a style to enable easy auto vectorisation by the LLVM compiler, gaining performance boost from SIMD instructions without explicitly writing SIMD instructions
- Only a single interop call from JS to WASM, which runs the main loop
- No interops between WASM and JS (not including debug/error prints)
- Game objects are written directly to WASM shared memory by JS as a stream of bytes, which is decoded in C++
- Decoded game objects converted to entities and kept updated in an Entity Component System - entt
- Highly optimised pathfinding - written to take advantage of SIMD instructions
- Influence Map system, capable of tracking threat and proximity of creeps utilising on the fly calculated movement costs and visibility checks in the creeps radius
- Interest Map system, allows for combining influence maps in various ways to allow the individual creeps to make decisions based on spatial information
- WASM runs AI and sends commands back to JS by writing to a stream of shared memory. JS decodes this stream and executes the commands in the game world
- Much much more to be done...