HealthLine is an iOS application that allows people to message out their symptoms via SMS and find out what illnesses they have and seek treatment options without the need for internet by using Twilio's SMS API.
HealthLine can also keep track of users symptoms in case they want to show a history of symptoms during a doctors visit. The app also provides an AR view that allows users to detect abnormalities they may have on their skin.
Users such as those living in third world countries can make use of this project by directly using SMS to receive possible illness results based on their symptoms and make use of the iOS app through a one-time download as its core features are all offline-based.
Core Features - scar/rash recognition, offline diagnosis, nearby hosital detection, storing medical information
Swift 4 - iOS app
Core ML - Scar/rash recognition
Twilio - Offline diagnosis
Python - Server and web scraper
Maps - Nearby hospital recognition
Sketch - Wireframing for UI/UX
Machine Learning - Accuracy of scars recognized in the camera's view
Server Connection - Python/Twilio integration
Android App - to increase user base