An academic project for Distributed Systems (CS-GY-9223) at NYU Tandon with Prof Gustavo Sandoval
Objective: To develop a distributed and reliable backend in support of a simple social media application.
Our application is a wishlist tool where users can login, create posts, follow other users, and view posts of the people they follow. The webserver, written in Go, interacts with the client using gRPCs. CoreOS, an open source Raft implementation, is used in the backend to provide consensus for the raft nodes that are spun up locally.
Please see the Project Prompt for more details.
cd welcome-app/src/
goreman start
cd welcome-app
go run main.go
go run server.go
Must run first before running the following tests.
cd welcome-app/login
go test -v
cd welcome-app/user
go test -v
cd welcome-app/feed
go test -v
Open the browser and go to