A Django based web project that uses custom YOLO model, trained on google open images, to detect and count number of fruits(Apple, Mango, Orange, Pomegranate, tomato) in an image.
python >3.4 with pip
make sure the PATH is correctly modified for pip to work,
e.g. C:\Python34\;C:\Python34\Scripts;
pip install setuptools
opencv 3.4
pip install opencv-python
pip install django
grab a copy of the project - unzip it
go to project root fruitDetect
run python manage.py runserver
The Project should be live and accessible at http://localhost:8000/scan
submodule parseImage handles the scanning
submodule fruitDetect is teh main application and has teh settings.py for Django project.
static directory contains the images which are generated after scanning
yolo-fruits is the custom trained model to detect below fruits:
yolo-coco(not being used) is the pretrained yolo model that detects ovber 80 classes folow teh below url to know more.
to perform a generic object detection change the yolo-scan function in views.py in parseImage submodule.
.names file - contains serialised names of classes trained on
.cfg file - contains the yolo configuration that determine the whole model, its layers and other details. !! Please change only if you know what you are doing !!
.weights file - contain the weights that are achieved by training Yolo of a set of classes mentioned in obj.names (this file is huge and has to be trained by yourself )