Block with all sorts of bus interfaces from duh-bus
requires wake 0.15 and wit 0.8.0
wit init workspace -a -a
cd workspace
wake --init .
duh-export-scala block-ark/ark.full.json5 -o block-ark/src/
wake -v arkDUT Unit
type | Initiator | Target | mem |
AMBA4.AXI4-Lite | i2 | t1 | β |
AMBA4.AXI4 | i4 | t3 | β |
AMBA4.AHBLite | i6 | t5 | β |
AMBA3.APB | i8 | t7 | β |
MEM.SPRAM | i10 | t9 | β |
MEM.DPRAM | i12 | t11 | β |
AMBA4.AXI4Stream | i14 | t13 | | | i16 | t15 | |
AMBA3.AXI | β | ||
TileLink | β | ||
Bundle |
First ensure duh is installed and clone the block-ark repository
% git clone
% cd block-ark
Run duh-portinf
to infer initial bus interface matches present in the
ark design.
% duh-portinf -o ark-busprop.json ark.json5
The resulting ark-busprop.json
file contains inferred bus interfaces
present in the ark design:
"component": {
"vendor": "sifive",
"library": "blocks",
"name": "ark",
"version": "0.1.0",
"busInterfaces": [
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_0-mapping_0-prefix_t3_axi4-slave-AXI4_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_1-mapping_0-prefix_i4_axi4-master-AXI4_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_2-mapping_0-prefix_i2_axi4lite-master-AXI4-Lite_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_3-mapping_0-prefix_t1_axi4lite-slave-AXI4-Lite_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_4-mapping_0-prefix_t5_ahblite_H-slave-AHBLite_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_5-mapping_0-prefix_i6_ahblite_H-master-AHB_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_6-mapping_0-prefix_i8_apb_P-master-APB4_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_7-mapping_0-prefix_t7_apb_P-slave-APB4_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_8-mapping_0-prefix_i12_dpram-master-DPRAM_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_9-mapping_0-prefix_t11_dpram-slave-DPRAM_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_10-mapping_0-prefix_i10_spram-master-SPRAM_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_11-mapping_0-prefix_t9_spram-slave-SPRAM_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_12-mapping_0-prefix_i14_stream_T-master-AXI4Stream_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_13-mapping_0-prefix_t13_stream_T-slave-AXI4Stream_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_14-mapping_0-prefix_sys-slave-JTAG_rtl"}
"addressSpaces": []
Each entry in obj["component"]["busInterfaces"]
is a JSON reference ($ref) to
a dictionary defining a single bus interface for a select portgroup. The
naming of these references follows the format:
busint-portgroup_{portgroup index}-mapping_{mapping index}-prefix_{portgroup prefix}-{master,slave}-{bus abstract name}
Ports within portgroup_0 share the prefix t3_axi4-slave
and we can see from
the reference name alone that the correct bus definition was inferred for this
portgroup. We can further examine the mapping of physical ports within the
portgroup to the bus definition logical names:
"busint-portgroup_0-mapping_0-prefix_t3_axi4-slave-AXI4_rtl": {
"name": "t3_axi4",
"interfaceMode": "slave",
"busType": {
"vendor": "",
"library": "AMBA4",
"name": "AXI4",
"version": "r0p0_0"
"abstractionTypes": [
"viewRef": "RTLview",
"portMaps": {
"ARLOCK": "t3_axi4_ARLOCK",
"BREADY": "t3_axi4_BREADY",
"WVALID": "t3_axi4_WVALID",
"AWPROT": "t3_axi4_AWPROT",
"AWCACHE": "t3_axi4_AWCACHE_0",
Notice that four user signals t3_axi4_ARAPCMD
, t3_axi4_AWAPCMD
, and t3_axi4_AWCOBUF
for this AXI4 bus interface are
correctly mapped to user port groups "ARUSER"
and "AWUSER"
Ports within portgroup_14 share the prefix sys
, and they are unexpectedly
mapped to the JTAG bus definition. Examining the mapping we can see that this
portgroup does not map well to JTAG:
"busint-portgroup_14-mapping_0-prefix_sys-slave-JTAG_rtl": {
"name": "sys",
"interfaceMode": "slave",
"busType": {
"vendor": "",
"library": "TEST",
"name": "JTAG",
"version": "0.1.0"
"abstractionTypes": [
"viewRef": "RTLview",
"portMaps": {
"TDI": [
"TCK": "sys_clock_enable",
"TDO": "sys_power_status",
"__UMAP__": [
Furthermore, mappings to alternate bus definitions
) for this portgroup are not
correct either:
"busInterfaceAlts": [
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_0-mapping_1-prefix_t3_axi4-slave-ACE-Lite_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_14-mapping_1-prefix_sys-slave-AXI4Stream_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_14-mapping_2-prefix_sys-master-AXI4Stream_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_14-mapping_3-prefix_sys-slave-ATB_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_14-mapping_4-prefix_sys-master-ATB_rtl"}
We can create a user-edited copy of ark-busprop.json
in which we remove the
reference to the chosen JTAG mapping for portgroup_14:
% cp ark-busprop.json ark-busprop.edit.json
# remove incorrect bus mapping for portgroup_14
# and validate the edited file
% duh validate ark-busprop.edit.json
Next run duh-portbundler
to structure the remaining ports that were not
previously assigned to a bus interface into structured bundles.
% duh-portbundler -o ark-final.json ark-busprop.edit.json
The resulting ark-final.json
file contains the previously inferred bus
interfaces and an additional two structured bundles under
"busInterfaces": [
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_0-mapping_0-prefix_t3_axi4-slave-AXI4_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/busDefinitions/busint-portgroup_13-mapping_0-prefix_t13_stream_T-slave-AXI4Stream_rtl"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/bundleDefinitions/bundle-sys"},
{"$ref": "#/definitions/bundleDefinitions/bundle-root"}
Ports with the shared prefix sys
are grouped together in a single structured
"bundle-sys": {
"name": "sys",
"interfaceMode": null,
"busType": "bundle",
"abstractionTypes": [
"viewRef": "RTLview",
"portMaps": {
"int": [
"power": {
"enable": "sys_power_enable",
"status": "sys_power_status"
"clock_enable": "sys_clock_enable"
signals are also grouped together into a single vector.
The remaining clock
and reset_n
ports are grouped together in a separate
"root" bundle:
"bundle-root": {
"name": "root",
"interfaceMode": null,
"busType": "bundle",
"abstractionTypes": [
"viewRef": "RTLview",
"portMaps": {
"clock": "clock",
"reset_n": "reset_n"