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The Push Notifications module for DrupalGap helps users to send push messages from their Drupal website to devices.


Before getting started, make sure you're running the latest versions of:

  • PhoneGap/Cordova
  • Android SDK(s)
  • iOS/xCode

Push Notifications Module for DrupalGap

First, download and extract this module so it lives here:


Add it to the settings.js file:

Drupal.modules.contrib['push_notifications'] = {};

Adobe Phonegap Build

If you are using Adobe Phonegap Build to compile your app, add this plugin to your config.xml file:

<gap:plugin name="com.devicepush.cordova-phonegap" source="npm" />

which is described here:

PhoneGap Plugin Push

Then install the PhoneGap Plugin Push

cordova plugin add phonegap-plugin-push --variable SENDER_ID=12345
cordova plugin save

We'll change the value of 12345 later on via settings.js.

If the plugin listed above doesn't work, try the com.devicepush.cordova-phonegap instead, followed by the save command.

Setting up a Platform(s)

Next, follow these steps for your desired platform(s):


  1. Go to
  2. Create a new project (or use an existing one)
  3. On the Dashboard, click Enable and manage APIs
  4. Enable the Google Cloud Messaging for Android API
  5. Once enabled, click Go to Credentials
  6. Under Where will you be calling the API from? choose Web server
  7. Click What credentials do I need?
  8. Enter a Name for your web server
  9. Click Create API key
  10. Copy the API key and set it aside


High level overview

cd ~/Desktop
openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -out apns-dev-cert.pem -in apns-dev-cert.p12 
openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -out apns-dev-key.pem -in apns-dev-key.p12 
cat apns-dev-cert.pem apns-dev-key.pem > apns-dev.pem
scp apns-dev.pem

Push Notifications Module for Drupal

  1. Download and enable the Push Notifications module for Drupal:
  2. In Drupal, go to admin/config/services/push_notifications/configure
  3. For Android, paste in the API key you generated earlier into this form
  4. Click Save configuration
  5. Go to admin/structure/services/list/drupalgap/resources
  6. Check the box next to push_notifications to enable its create and delete resources
  7. Click Save
  8. Flush all of Drupal's caches

Module Permissions in Drupal

  1. Go to admin/people/permissions in Drupal
  2. Go to the Push Notifications section
  3. Grant permission to Register device token and Remove device token to your desired user role(s), we recommend giving this permission to both anonymous and authenticated users

Next, we'll head back to the Google Cloud Platform API (if you're working with Android)...

Get an Android Sender ID

  1. Go to
  2. On the Dashboard, click Enable and manage APIs
  3. Click on the Credentials button in the sidebar menu for your project
  4. Click the Create credentials button
  5. Select API key
  6. Click Android key
  7. Enter a Name for your key, e.g.
  8. Click the + Add package name and fingerprint button
  9. Enter the Package name, which can be found as the value of the package attribute in the manifest element in the AndroidManifest.xml file
  10. Open a terminal window and navigate to the root of your cordova project
  11. Run this command: keytool -genkey -v -keystore example.keystore -alias example -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
  12. Follow all the prompts and take note of the password you enter, because you'll need it later
  13. Run this command: keytool -exportcert -alias example -keystore example.keystore -list -v
  14. Copy the SHA1 fingerprint
  15. Go back to the Google window and paste in the SHA1 fingerprint
  16. Click Create, then copy the API key that is shown

Next, get the senderID by...

  1. Go to
  2. Under the drop down menu, click Manage all projects
  3. Click on your project's name
  4. Click on Settings in the left sidebar
  5. Copy the Project number, this will go into your settings.js file as the senderID for Android.

Adding config to settings.js

Next, add this to your app's settings.js file, using the Project number from above as the senderID below:

drupalgap.settings.push_notifications = {
  android: {
    senderID: "12345679"
  ios: {
    alert: "true",
    badge: "true",
    sound: "true"
  windows: {}

That's it, finally. You're now ready to send a push notification. Compile the app to a mobile device to test it out.

Android Quirks

You may have to run this command if you're having issues building for an Android device:

android update sdk --no-ui --filter "extra"

iOS Quirks

You'll need to be running at least cordova-ios@4.0.1 to get the build to compile properly for iOS. To see your current version of the iOS platform:

cordova platform ios

Then if it isn't running at least 4.0.1, then run this command:

cordova platform update ios@4.0.1


Sending a Push Notification

In Drupal, first go to admin/config/services/push_notifications and verify that a token has been registered for your desired device(s). If there is a token registered, then go to admin/config/services/push_notifications/message and fill out the form to send a push notification to your desired platform(s).

Receiving a Push Notification

To handle the receipt of a push notification, implement this hook in your custom DrupalGap module's .js file:

 * Implements hook_push_notifications_receive().
function my_module_push_notifications_receive(data) {

  // data.message
  // data.title
  // data.count
  // data.sound
  // data.image
  // data.additionalData
  // Display the push notification.
  drupalgap_alert(data.message, {
    title: drupalgap.settings.title,
    buttonName: 'OK'

When a push notifications is received, developers can take action as they need. The example above simply shows the push notification in an alert dialog.

Real World Examples

Send a push notification to display a node

In this example, a Drupal admin will be able to send a push notification that when clicked by the end user will display a particular node in the app.

In a custom Drupal module, alter the push notifications form so you can include a node id in the message payload:

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
function example_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  switch ($form_id) {
    case 'push_notifications_mass_push_form':
      $form['message']['nid'] = array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => t('Node ID'),
        '#description' => t('Enter a the id of a node to display to the recipients.'),
        '#size' => 6

Now in a custom DrupalGap module, take action when the push notification is received and send the user to view the node in the app:

 * Implements hook_push_notifications_receive().
function sal_push_notifications_receive(data) {
  if (data.additionalData && data.additionalData.nid) {
    drupalgap_goto('node/' + data.additionalData.nid);

That's it! Now when a user clicks the push notification on their device, it'll open the app and display the node.


The Push Notifications module for DrupalGap.






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