An entirly new way to create chatbots using SuperScript. Featuring a built-in realtime chat interface and gambit editor.
We are assuming you have node.js 0.10.x installed and MongoDB.
git clone
cd superscript-editor
npm install
npm start
Then Open your browser to http://localhost:3000
- Introducing SuperScript on Medium
- Creating a Chatbot on Medium
- Custom Slack chatbot tutorial on Medium
- SuperScript the big update on Medium
- Full Documentation
- Follow @rob_ellis
I topic is the main entry point into your application. All your conversaions start within a topic depending on what exactly was said the first topic could vary. SuperScript will continue to seatch topics until it finds a matching Gambit, then replies.
A Gambit is a piece of information, in SuperScript it contains two parts an input and one or more replies. The input is the basis of the trigger that we match on.
This is what is said back to the user, and is the part of a Gambit. A reply can also have a series of Gambits attached to them thus creating a thread of conversation.
More information on using SuperScript and this Editor is available at
Copyright © 2014-2015 Rob Ellis