Minimalist wrapper for with native TypeScript support.
This package promisifies
a client-side API of Google Apps Script (GAS)
to call server-side GAS functions from HTML-service pages.
Wrapped GAS functions are typed in TypeScript
with the promisified types of the corresponding GAS functions.
This enables type checks and enhances IDE assists.
Using npm:
npm install ts-gasrun
Using yarn:
yarn add ts-gasrun
Using pnpm:
pnpm add ts-gasrun
In the server-side code, export functions to be called from the client-side.
// gas-functions.ts: GAS server-side code
export function hello(str: string) {
return `Hello ${str}!`;
export function concat(prop: { a: string; b: unknown }) {
return { result: prop.a + prop.b };
export function throwError() {
throw new Error("Error in GAS!");
Wrap exported GAS functions in the client-side.
// Frontend code bundled into GAS HTML-service pages
import { wrapGASFunctions } from "ts-gasrun";
// Wrap the all functions exported from a module.
import * as GASFuncs from "./gas-functions";
const gasrun = wrapGASFunctions(GASFuncs);
// Wrap specified functions of a module.
import { hello } from "./gas-functions";
const gasrun = wrapGASFunctions({ hello });
Then, use the wrapped functions with proper types.
// Case of using then & catch
.hello("world") // hello: (str: string) => Promise<string>
.then((result) => {
gasrun.throwError().catch((error) => {
// Case of using async & await
(async () => {
const { result } =
// concat: (prop: { a: string, b: unknown }) => Promise<{ result: string }>
await gasrun.concat({ a: "string", b: 123 });
try {
await gasrun.throwError();
} catch (error) {
You can use this package as an ES module in JavaScript also, like below in a GAS HTML-service page.
<script type="module">
import { wrapGASFunctions } from "";
// Wrap all functions available within
const gasrun = wrapGASFunctions();
// Or you can specify wrapping functions:
const gasrun = wrapGASFunctions({ hello: null, concat: null });
(async () => {
const { result } = await gasrun.concat({
a: await gasrun.hello("world"),
b: 123,
document.body.textContent = result;
You can mock GAS functions for local development.
Use mockGASFunctions
with mock implementations of GAS functions,
instead of wrapGASFunctions
import { wrapGASFunctions, mockGASFunctions } from "ts-gasrun";
import * as GASFuncs from "./gas-functions";
const gasrun =
process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
? wrapGASFunctions(GASFuncs)
: mockGASFunctions({
hello: (str: string) => `Hello, ${str}!`,
concat: ({ a, b }) => ({ result: `${a}${b}` }),
throwError: () => {
throw new Error("Error!");
This package is inspired by gas-client.