A Qt-Creator-like editor which serves as bridge among HTML/CSS/C++ and the Wt C++ library. It helps create web applications using C++ and the Wt library with just a few clicks. It also simplifies the usage of the Wt library by auto generating most of the code and previewing the graphics of the end result without having to compile any C++ code.
List of recent contributors:
C++ should be the first programming language that comes to mind when developing for web. There are numerous advantages to C++ development, where High performance in-browser applications need to be created, Low overhead for embedded systems, implementation with various complex computationaly demanding libraries, running desktop software over the web, and overall an easier object orriented system to work with in development.
The Wt (web toolkit) C++ library is the perfect tool to achieve all the previous goals. Wt simplifies developing web applications by using the well-tested widget-centric design patterns of desktop GUI development and an API inspired by the successful Qt C++ library.
WtComposer was created as an attempt to reduce the complexity of creating beautiful web application designs using the Wt library.
WtComposer is a tool which is also inspired by Qt (specifically QtCreator), and it is based on the Wt library and Qt frameworks. It provides an easy way to develop the front-end of web applications by means of draging-and-droping elements, blocks and templates. Furthermore, it allows to preview the looks of the application, tweak it and see the results instantly without having to recompile your application.
WtComposer can be used as a stand-alone application in Windows, Linux, and Mac.
QT 5 With various dependencies: (SVG, XMLPatterns, Webengine, Webchannel)
KF 5 And all of its dependencies and KTextEditor and KCompletion
WT 4 And all of its dependencies
This project could not have been possible without:
Font Awesome and Font-Awesome-SVG-PNG (Application Icons).
Melissa Montero Habaue (Widgets Icons)
juangburgos. (Forked from their WtDesigner)
cls-nebadje. (Forked from their WtDesigner)