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Folders and files

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Obligatory Disclaimer

Please don't trust this tool I built for fun with any sensitive usecases.


I found myself frequently wanting to generate passphrases composed of plain english words with a variety of different options; I also wanted to see if it was possible to encrypt and decrypt arbitrary files with these generated passwords in a web browser. I decided to build these two functions into a webpage for easy use and access.

Passphrase generator

  • generates human-readable passphrase by randomly sampling from a corpus of english words
  • options for including numbers, symbols, caps, number of words, and separator
  • copy to clipboard
  • randomness provided by the web crypto api

File Encrypter

  • encrypt/decrypt and authenticate arbitrary files using keybase's triplesec scheme
    • entails AES for encryption, HMAC for authentication
    • see the triplesec docs for more info on encryption and decryption

File Encrypter Demo:

File Encrypter Demo Link

  • Link to full sized video
  • Demo shows encryption and decryption of an image file
    • image loads/opens before encrypting
    • after encrypting, image file doesn't open
    • after decrypted encrypted version of the file, it opens again showing the same file


This project was bootstrapped with create-react-app; check the user guide (also a copy in this repo) for more info.

Commits to master are auto-deployed via CircleCI.


  • yarn start: spin up a test server with hot reloading at http://localhost:3000/
  • yarn build: build into ./build directory
  • yarn deploy: build and deploy with gh-pages

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