This project has a new home. It is now hosted at
This project is a Scala wrapper for reactor-core.
This project was created after I can't find any Scala code for reactor-core project. Using reactor-core project as it is in scala code will look ugly because a lot of methods use Java 8 lambda which is not compatible with Scala lambda. This will force Scala code to use anonymous class which turns ugly.
So instead of
val mono = Mono.just(1)
.map(new java.util.function.Function[Int, String] {
def apply(t: Int): String = t.toString
it becomes
val mono = Mono.just(1).map(_.toString)
It is still in preliminary stage and requires a lot of refinement. No release has been made so far. Those who wanted to try, can get the SNAPSHOT version from snapshot repository as below:
With Gradle:
repositories {
//maven { url '' }
dependencies {
//compile "com.github.sinwe:reactor-core-scala:0.2.3-SNAPSHOT
compile "com.github.sinwe:reactor-core-scala:0.2.2
With Maven:
<!-- To get latest SNAPSHOT version from Sonatype
<name>OSS Sonatype Snapshots</name>
Contributions are welcome. Simply fork this project, make some modification, push and create a pull request.