THE Discord bot for the Knights of Cerberus Gaming Community.
Ping - Play Ping Pong with the bot
Poll - Creates a poll for users to vote on topics
Help - Displays a list of commands that can be used. Add the command name to get mroe info)
Servers - Tells the user how many people are in the server. (If the owner uses it, the bot will pm with how many users are in each server.)
Ban - Bans a user from the server
Kick - Kicks the user from the server
Softban - Bans and then unbans the user from the server (Kicks them and deletes previous posts)
Clearchannel - clears previous posts in a channel (as many as the bot can)
Textmute - Assigns the mute role so that the user cannot talk in any text channel. (Does not set up the mute role.)
Textunmute - Removes the muted role to the user can type again.
Modrole - Sets the admin role needed to use admin and mod commands
Prefix - Sets the custom prefix for the server
Muterole - Assigns the role for the Textmute commands
Defaultrole - Sets the default role for any new members that join the server
Memberlogchannel - Sets the channel that the bot will announce when people join and leave the server
Setstatus - Changes the status of the bot. (Bot Owner only command)
Reactionmessage - Creates a message for adding roles from reacting to the message. (Used with rolereaction command)
Rolereaction - Adds or changes a reaction emoji and the role that it gives.
Once the bot is up and running and invited to your server (must be running before invited) you will need to create the following roles:(They can be named what you want)
- Moderator (Does not need admin roles)
- Default (Member as an example)
- Muted (make this role not able to talk in any text channel or connect to voice if you want. It is a restricted or "time out" role)
Then run the appropriate commands to set the roles with the bot (See above)
You can then use the "memberlog" command to set a channel that the bot will be able to announce users joining or leaving the server in (make sure the bot can talk in that channel)
If you want to set the prefix for the commands for your server you can use the "Prefix" command, followed by the new prefix you want (!, !!, or ? as examples. (!!ping))
This role requires the user to have the ADMINISTRATOR role and the bot to be able to talk in the channel. I recomend that only the bot be allowed to talk and add reactions to the channel. User will be able to react to the message if there are already reactions added
In the channel you want the Role Reaction message to be in use the "rrmsg" command and optionally you can add text to personalize the message. the default text is "React to give yourself a role"
To add a reaction to the message use the command "rr" folowed by the emoji or reaction you want to use, then the mentioned role (@example_role), followed by the description text you want to appear next to it. It will then add the reaction and anytime someone reacts to it, they will be added, or removed from that role if they remove their reaction to it.
(The roles must be lower than the bot role in the admin panel of your server/guild or the bot will throw an error)
- If you are developing on a M1 Mac (like I currently am) and you want to build this into a Docker container, you will need to run the build command with the flag: