Storm has Moved to Apache. The official Storm git repository is now hosted by Apache, and is mirrored on github here:
Source code contributions can be submitted either by sumitting a pull request or by creating an issue in JIRA and attaching patches.
If you have an existing fork/clone of nathanmarz/storm, you can migrate to apache/incubator-storm by doing the following:
Create a new fork of apache/incubator-storm
Point your existing clone to the new fork:
git remote remove origin git remote add origin
The official issue tracker for Storm is Apache JIRA:
Storm users should send messages and subscribe to
You can subscribe to this list by sending an email to Likewise, you can cancel a subscription by sending an email to
You can view the archives of the mailing list here.
Storm developers should send messages and subscribe to
You can subscribe to this list by sending an email to Likewise, you can cancel a subscription by sending an email to
You can view the archives of the mailing list here.
If you are using a pre-built binary distribution of Storm, then chances are you should send questions, comments, storm-related announcements, etc. to
If you are building storm from source, developing new features, or otherwise hacking storm source code, then is more appropriate.
What will happen with
All existing messages will remain archived there, and can be accessed/searched here.
New messages sent to will either be rejected/bounced or replied to with a message to direct the email to the appropriate Apache-hosted group.