The website for the American Gut Project participant portal
First install and run Make sure that the path is configured properly so add the following to your .bash_profile:
export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/
Now setup a new conda environment via miniconda:
conda create -n amgut python=2.7 tornado=4.4.2 psycopg2 source activate amgut
Next install and start Redis via conda.
conda install redis redis-server
Now by forking, clone and install the repository. This will also install dependencies included in extras_require:
git clone pip install -e .[test]
And copy over the configuration file:
cp ag_config.txt.example amgut/ag_config.txt
To configure the webserver. Feel free to fill in entries for POSTGRES and REDIS. In the existing american gut config file, the default user for POSTGRES is postgres.
To enable uuid v4 function in postgres:
echo 'CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp";' | psql
Make sure that all of your permissions are set correctly. The following can be run with a user named postgres
See CREATE USER and ALTER USER for more details.
Finally create the database and populate it with test data, then launch the website:
./scripts/ag make test python amgut/
Navigating to localhost:8888 will now show the american gut site. Try using tst_ACJUJ
as the username to log in. All test kits have test
as their password.