The main goal of the project Mars is to provide an easy to use log agregation and report generation platform.
npm install
node main.js -c config.local/config.local.json
- Compiling a Config that fulfills the needs
- Running the docker container
The example assums that the following folders exist:
- config.local - containing a correct config.local.json
- output.local - a empty folder that will have the logs gathered from the tool
Config - All paths for the that point to files should be written with the idea that in the example the folder structure is as follows:
- /root/Mars - $HOME
- /root/Mars/config - config folder
- /root/Mars/output - output folder
docker run --name=Mars -d \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/config,target=/root/Mars/config \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/output,target=/root/Mars/output \
sjultra/mars:latest /bin/bash -c "node main.js -c ./config/config.local.json"