Escape is a very simple terminal styling library largely inspired by the excellent javascript chalk library. There are other terminal styling libraries such as colorama available but they do not offer a simple composable API like escape does. Escape is pure python, does not have any external dependencies and should work right out of the box. Escape has been tested to work with python 2.7 and python 3.6. Escape has not been tested on Windows
pip install escape
from escape import Escape
print(Escape('Hello World').red())
# combine styled strings
print(Escape('Hello').bright_green() + Escape(' World!').bright_red())
# combibe styled and normal string
print(Escape('Hello').bright_magenta() + ' World!')
# compose multiple styles together
print(Escape('Hello World').bright_red().underline().bright_yellow_background())
# Nest styles
Escape('Hello ', Escape('World').bright_green_background()).bright_red()
Escape('Hello ' + Escape('World').bright_green_background()).bright_red()
from escape import palette
- bold
- dim
- hidden
- inverse
- italic
- strikethrough
- underline
- black
- red
- green
- yellow
- blue
- magenta
- cyan
- white
- gray
- bright_red
- bright_green
- bright_yellow
- bright_blue
- bright_magenta
- bright_cyan
- bright_white
- black_background
- red_background
- green_background
- yellow_background
- blue_background
- magenta_background
- cyan_background
- white_background
- bright_black_background
- bright_red_background
- bright_green_background
- bright_yellow_background
- bright_blue_background
- bright_magenta_background
- bright_cyan_background
- bright_white_background