Nitpin is an NNTP (Usenet/Newsgroups) client library written in JavaScript for node.js/io.js.
$ npm install nitpin
- Handles multiple connections
- Reaps idle connections after 30 seconds of inactivity
- Download NZBs & yEnc decoding
- PAR repairs (requires par2 installed on your system)
- Add support for more commands
- Multi-server support
- ...
- getHead (HEAD)
- getBody (BODY)
- getArticle (ARTICLE)
- stat (STAT)
- group (GROUP)
- capabilities (CAPABILITIES)
- list (LIST ACTIVE [wildmat])
var Nitpin = require('nitpin'),
server = new Nitpin({
host: '', // Example uses the open PHP newsgroups server
user: null, // Example doesn't need username
pass: null, // Nor password
port: 119,
secure: false,
connections: 1 // 1 is the default amount of connections
// Automatically tries XZVER, falls back to XOVER when not available
server.over('', 2, 5, function gotMessages(err, messages) {
// { id: '2',
// subject: 'test',
// from: ' (Derick Rethans)',
// date: 'Mon, 24 Jun 2002 14:54:22 +0200 (CEST)',
// 'message-id': '<>',
// references: '',
// bytes: '',
// lines: '9',
// xref: '' }
// Get a specific article from a group
server.getArticle('', '', function gotArticle(err, headers, body) {
// { path: '',
// xref: '',
// 'return-path': '<>',
// 'mailing-list': 'contact; run by ezmlm',
// 'delivered-to': 'mailing list',
// received: 'from ( [])\n\tby (8.12.4/8.12.4) with ESMTP id g5OCsM6M021379\r',
// 'by with smtp; 24 jun 2002 12': '53',
// 'for <>; mon, 24 jun 2002 14': '54',
// date: 'Mon, 24 Jun 2002 14',
// 'x-x-sender': '',
// to: '',
// 'message-id': '<>',
// 'mime-version': '1.0',
// 'content-type': 'TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII',
// subject: 'test',
// from: ' (Derick Rethans)' }
This is still in development and needs a lot more refining.
// Parse an NZB: supply a path on this computer or a URL to download from
server.parseNZB('/path/to/file.nzb', function parsed(err, nzb) {
// PAR files and RAR files are currently triaged into their own properties
// A stream can be created like this;
// The contents of the rar file can be streamed using `arcstream`
// (Which is not yet a dependency)
var ArcStream = require('arcstream');
var archive = new ArcStream();
archive.addFile(, 'rar');
for (var i = 0; i < nzb.rars.others.length; i++) {
archive.addFile(nzb.rars.others[i].stream(), 'rar');
archive.on('file', function(filename, stream, arcfile) {
console.log('FOUND FILE:', filename);
stream.on('end', function() {
console.log(filename, 'has finished streaming');