TriMet Commuter is a light TriMet transit tool. Enter your daily morning and evening stops. TriMet Commuter will display vehicles arriving at these stops within 30 minutes, their arrival times, status (late, on time, etc.). Between midnight and noon your morning stop data will display; between noon and midnight you'll see your evening stop.
You can use project here.
Scott Bergler
Phil Mass
Ralph Perdomo
Jared Reando
Setup & Installation
Known Bugs
Technologies Used
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.3.0.
See for details about tools you may need to install and use to work on and use this project on your Mac.
Here are some links in case you need information about setup for other operating systems:
Node JS
After making sure that you have everything you need from . . .
. . . fork the repository from GitHub.
Clone your forked repository to your computer.
Use your preferred command line/terminal to navigate into the directory:
cd trimet-commuter/
Open the project in a text editor like Atom or VS Code.
Go to Firebase. Set up an account for yourself. If you already have a Google or Gmail account, you already have access - just sign in.
Once you're logged in, go to the console. Use the option to add a new project. Provide a name for your new project, and select your Country/region from the drop-down menu. Click "Create Project."
You'll then be taken to an "Overview" area. Where you'll be offered three options to add Firebase for:
- iOS app (ios logo)
- Android app (android logo)
- web app (</>)
Select Add Firebase to your web app. Firebase should respond with a pop-up modal window. Keep the information in this modal handy.
Create a new file called api-keys.ts in the src/app directory. This file has been added to the .gitingore, so your credentials will not be pushed to Github.
Copy your Firebase credentials into api-keys.ts (the x's represent your specific information just for this example. Replace them with your actual credentials):
export const masterFirebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "xxxx",
authDomain: "",
databaseURL: "",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "xxxx"
NOTE: The exported constant in the above code must be named masterFirebaseConfig. If you decide to rename it here you will need to find masterFirebaseConfig everywhere in the project and replace it with your constant's name.
From the console go to the authorization page. You'll see the options: Users, Sign-in method, Templates, Usage. Click on Sign-in method. Choose Email/Password. Enable the option that says, "Allow users to sign up using their email address and password."
Go to Trimet Developer Services to register your app. Your application id will be emailed to you along with a link to confirm your registration.
This application uses Arrivals Web Service V2 and the HTTP GET parameters style:,6850&appID=0000000000000000000000000
In the api-keys.ts file mentioned above save your trimet app id as:
export const trimetApiKey = 'yourAPIkey';
Replace 'yourAPIkey' in the code above with the app id that was emailed to you.
As with the Firebase api key above, you must name the TriMet app id "trimetApiKey" or else you'll have to rename it elsewhere in the code.
In the project root directory run the command:
npm install
Run the command:
ng serve --open
Your default browser should open a new window or tab with the website/app ready to use at localhost:4200.
- The Quick Stop feature to get arrivals for a stop that may not be a part of your normal commute/routine. Quick Stop will save the last 5 searches made.
- issue- returns USER object when wrong credentials entered.
- expected behavior- does not return USER object
- request- missing 'formal stop' name
- should not store a searched stop if that stop is already in recents
Scott Bergler ::
Phil Mass ::
Ralph Perdomo ::
Jared Reando ::
For versions and a full list of dependencies, plugins, and scripts see package.json.
Dependency | Description |
@angular/cli | CLI tools for Angular |
@angular/fire | Firebase JavaScript library for web and Node.js |
@angular/material | UI components built with Angular and TypeScript |
Firebase | library for working with Firebase |
Node | JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. |
Node Package Manager | package manager for JavaScript |
RxJS | Reactive Extensions for modern JavaScript |
TSLint | An extensible static analysis linter for the TypeScript language |
Licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2019 Scott Bergler; Phil Mass; Ralph Perdomo; Jared Reando