Spark is currently being beta-tested on the StudeGaming Discord Server and continues to be enhanced by his developer skillor. If you are interested in Sparks development, you can view the project roadmap and history in the Projects tab. If you have any suggestions or bug reports and want to help in the development process, you are welcome to let us know in the Issues tab. Spark is currently not publicly available, so can't be easily invited to your Discord server. Should you still want to use Spark on your Discord server, feel free to use its source code to host it yourself.
Clone repository
git clone
Install requirements
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy "" to ""
Edit your "APPLICATION_ID", "TOKEN" etc. in the
Run tests
Start bot and webserver
python -m uvicorn main:app --port 4004
Start only the bot
Clone repository
git clone
Install requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Copy "" to ""
Edit your "APPLICATION_ID", "TOKEN" etc. in the settings
Run tests
Start bot and webserver
python3 -m uvicorn main:app --port 4004
Start only the bot
Spark consists of numerous modules which can be activated per Guild.
Use /module activate
to activate a module.
These modules contain their respective commands and settings.
These settings are applied globally and cannot be changed without restarting the application.
The url for the database of Spark (e.g.
). -
This is the Application-ID for your Discord Developer Application.
This is the Oauth2-Application-Secret for your Discord Developer Application.
This is the Oauth2-Redirect-Uri for your Discord Developer Application, you need to add "/login" for the default setup (e.g. http://your.domain/login). You also need to set this up in the Discord Developer Settings.
A secret to encrypt the webserver sessions.
This is the Token of your Discord Bot.
The interval in which the modules do their scheduled update (in seconds | use -1 for no update interval).
If emojis should be acquired from emojipedia.
If the downloaded emojis should be saved locally.
The path to load and save emojis.
Every module can have own settings which are applied for each Discord guild (server) and can be changed via the settings command.
Spark has an evergrowing utility set with numerous advanced features:
Spark is highly modular
Spark has an own frontend, yay
The level system tracks users voice-channel and chat activity on the server and rewards them with XP, which enables users to get levels. Server admins are then able to create ranks on certain level targets using the /lvlsys set {level target} {role-id} command and assign roles, that will automatically be given to users hitting the stated level target (rank). All parameters like the rate at which users gain XP can be edited in the source code. Furthermore, admins can change users levels and XP-multipliers, aswell as blacklisting users from gaining XP using /lvlsys chat commands.
Users have to ability to provide new users with a promo code, which rewards the new user with a configurable level headstart and to old user with a temporary configurable xp-multiplier
When a user attempts to use a command without the permission to do so, the bot will deny the interaction and jokingly inform the user with one of 13 different custom text messages. The same will happen when a user executes an unknown command.
Spark is able to communicate through Discords slash command integration, which offers a more polished user experience and will help to keep your chat cleaner. Additionally, Spark can handle user related commands with @mentions.
The Bot is equipped with ImageStack-SVG (a custom image generator), which will create custom levelup, rankup, leaderboard and profile-card images. All images can be designed using ImageStack-SVG Code.