A Google Chrome extension which allows users to add YouTube videos to playlists, share playlists and discover new YouTube videos.
Streamus consists of a front-end client, the Google Chrome extension, a back-end server and a website. This repository contains the files for the server. Please see the other repositories, StreamusChromeExtension and StreamusWebsite, to gain a full understanding of the product.
The server's modules are managed by NuGet Package Manager.
The server is used to record information about a given user's listening experience. All videos, playlist items, playlists and folders are written to the database. The server is used to enable sharing of playlists between users by copying a playlist row and providing a link to the new row to other users.
- Build 'Streamus Server' in Visual Studio 2012.
- Build 'Streamus Server Tests' in Visual Studio 2012.
- Create a new, local database called 'Streamus'
- Run the test case 'ResetDatabase' to populate the database with tables and schema information.
- Ensure all other test cases pass.
- Run Streamus Server.
The server is hosted on http://www.appharbor.com. AppHarbor has a hook into the solution which will detect commits to the master branch. AppHarbor will build the solution, run test cases and, if successful, hot swap the server out with a new version. All connection string information is automatically handled by AppHarbor.
This work is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2 (GPL-2.0)
- MeoMix - Original developer, main contributor.