Clank Jump Div is an AngularJS 1.x module to create an element called <clank-jump-div>. The jump div binds to an element and will swap positions with the element, in the DOM, when the defined breakpoint is triggered.
Place the jump div element and the jumping element in the DOM where you would like them to be when in mobile mode.
The jump div must have a unique ID.
<clank-jump-div id="jump_test">
Next you will need to define the breakpoint at which the jump div will be triggered. This is done with the "jump-width" and "jump-height" attributes. Whenever the screen height and width is larger than the given values the jump div and element will swap positions in the DOM.
<clank-jump-div id="jump_test" jump-width="768" jump-height="600">
In the above example the jump will happen when the screen width is larger than 768 AND the screen height is larger than 600.
Finally you will need to bind an element to the <clank-jump-div> by applying the "jump-to-div" attribute to the element.
<button jump-to-div="jump_test">TEST</button>