Terraform module :: GCP :: for network firewall rule(s) creation and management
This module is meant for use with Terraform >=0.12.6. If you haven't upgraded and need a Terraform 0.11.x-compatible version of this module, you are out of luck!
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
network | Network (name) to apply the rules to. | string | n/a | yes |
project | The project (ID) in which the network lives. | string | n/a | yes |
rules | Map of maps defining firewall rules | map(map) | n/a | yes |
module "fw-rules" {
source = "../modules/gcp-firewall-rule"
network = "network-name"
project = "project-1234"
rules = {
"default-egress-deny-all" = {
deny = {
"icmp" = []
"tcp" = []
"udp" = []
description = "DEFAULT|EGRESS - DENY all outbound traffic to anywhere"
direction = "EGRESS"
priority = 65500
destination_ranges = [ "", ]
"default-ingress-deny-from-cidr-gcp" = {
deny = {
"icmp" = []
"tcp" = []
"udp" = []
description = "DEFAULT|INGRESS - DENY all incoming traffic from private GCP Subnets"
direction = "INGRESS"
priority = 65490
source_ranges = [ "",
"", ]
"default-ingress-allow-from-cidr-blizz" = {
allow = {
"icmp" = []
"tcp" = [ "22", "3389", ] # SSH, Remote Desktop
description = "DEFAULT|INGRESS - ALLOW ICMP, ssh and remote desktop incoming traffic from on-prem subnets"
direction = "INGRESS"
priority = 65500
source_ranges = [ "",
"", ]
"ingress-allow-web-tag-from-cidr-private" = {
allow = {
"tcp" = [ "80", "443" ]
direction = "INGRESS"
priority = 10000
source_ranges = [ "" ]
target_tags = [ "web_server" ]
"ingress-allow-ssh-tag-from-tag" = {
allow = {
"tcp" = [ "22" ]
direction = "INGRESS"
priority = 10000
source_tags = [ "ssh_client" ]
target_tags = [ "ssh_server" ]
"ingress-allow-dns-tag-from-cidr-any" = {
allow = {
"tcp" = [ "53" ]
"udp" = [ "53" ]
direction = "INGRESS"
priority = 10000
source_ranges = [ "" ]
target_tags = [ "dns_server" ]
"ingress-allow-web-tag-from-team1-sas" = {
allow = {
"tcp" = [ "80" ]
destination_tags = [ "dns_server" ]
direction = "INGRESS"
priority = 10000
source_service_accounts = [ "service-account-1@example-project-12345.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
"service-account-2@example-project-12345.iam.gserviceaccount.com" ]