an example on how to solve the problem of webrtc signalling for gundb by the use of a websocket proxy, heavily inspired by Dletta 2021 and
setup a private webtorrent tracker on a public url
an infohash is generated for app_id: 'gundb_torrent_signalling_test' and room_id: 'test'
> npm run create_info_hash gundb_torrent_signalling_test test 3665367962366f34703164316e32353666357733
a config.json is created:
{ "infoHashHex": "3665367962366f34703164316e32353666357733", "appId": "gundb_torrent_signalling_test", "roomName": "test", "trackerUrls":["wss://"] }
a set of public and private credentials for the app is created, resulting in creds.client.json and creds.server.json
> npm run create_root_key
- db is initialized with config.json and creds (this initializes the proxy and thereby the trystero webtorrent signalling)
const db = setupDb(config, creds)
- edit bin/tracker.js so that it has your infohash in the whitelist
- run your private tracker on a public ip:
npm run tracker
from here on the db is ready and will maintain its webrtc connections without bothering gundb