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Django REST framework-based Digital Patient Registration and EMR backend


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RESTful Patient Registration and Clinic Charts backend for Thousand Smiles Foundation.


For background and overview on the context in which this project is being developed, please read the following:


The API consists of two major components. The first component is dedicated to registration and routing of patients in our clinics. The second component consists of the maintaining chart data to record the care that we give to our patients, organized by specialty.

The API is documented along with the source code in a README file located in the same directory as the implementation. Links to each are provided below.

The general structure of API requests follows RESTful principles:

  • POST - create objects
  • PUT - modify objects previously created
  • GET - retrieve objects. Most accept JSON paylods containing search terms, or allow you to retrieve given a specific resource ID (all resource IDs are unique and map to the primary key in the database for the item).
  • DELETE - remove a resource. Removal of a resource is provided but its use is discouraged, generally we want the database to maintain a history of our clinics and deleting items is not consistent with that goal. There are uses for DELETE however, such as unittest execution in an offline version of the database.

The current API version is v1.

URLs are structured as follows:


In the above, <resource> is the name of a resource. It is used in the URL as in the following example:


The above URL refers to the station and clinic pair with resource ID 17. Valid resource names are documented below.

Payloads (when provided as a part of POST and PUT requests) must be in JSON.

Generally, we use the following HTTP response codes to indicate the status of a request:

  • 200 OK
  • 400 Bad Request
  • 404 Not Found
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Example Request and Response

GET /tscharts/v1/clinicstation/16/ HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress
Accept: */*
User-Agent: python-requests/2.2.1 CPython/2.7.6 Linux/4.2.0-27-generic
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Token b4e9102f85686fda0239562e4c8f7d3773438dae

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2017 05:51:23 GMT
Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.6
Vary: Accept
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Content-Type: application/json


Python library (tschartslib)

The unit tests listed below are based on a Python library that thinly wraps the tscharts REST API. This library is named tschartslib, and can be installed using pip:

sudo pip install tschartslib

We are working on documentation for this library, but note that each module includes unit tests that serve as examples for use. Here is a short example that illustrates how to obtain a list of patients registered for a clinic:

from import GetClinic
from tschartslib.register.register import GetAllRegistrations
from tschartslib.patient.patient import GetPatient


    # login. API requires an authentication token. Auth is basic Django Auth
    # username, password supplied by user. Check with system admin for host
    # and port (host is a string, port is an integer)

    token = None
    login = Login(host, port, username, password)
    ret = login.send(timeout=30)
    if ret[0] == 200:
        token = ret[1]["token"]
        print("Unable to get access token {}".format(ret[0]))

    if token:
        # get today's clinic 

        x = GetClinic(host, port, token)
        ret = x.send(timeout=30)
        if ret[0] == 200:
            print("clinic {} on {} exists".format(ret[1]["id"], dateStr))
        elif ret[0] == 404:
            print("no clinic found on {}".format(dateStr))
            print("Unable to get clinic error code {}".format(ret[0]))

        # get all patients registered for the clinic

        if ret[0] == 200:
            clinicid = ret[1]["id"]
            x = GetAllRegistrations(host, port, token)
            ret = x.send(timeout=30)
            if ret[0] == 200:

                # now we have a list of registrations. Each includes
                # an id for the patient registered. Walk this list
                # and create an array of dicts with the patient details
                # that we care about

                registrations = ret[1]
                patients = []

                for x in registrations:
                    y = GetPatient(host, port, token)
                    registrationid = x["id"]
                    ret = y.send(timeout=30)
                    if ret[0] == 200:

                        # got the patient, extract details and add to list

                        patient = ret[1] 

                        p = {}
                        p["id"] = patient["id"]
                        p["registrationid"] = registrationid
                        p["clinicid"] = clinicid 
                        p["first"] = patient["first"]
                        p["first"] = patient["first"]
                        p["middle"] = patient["middle"]
                        p["paternal_last"] = patient["paternal_last"]
                        p["maternal_last"] = patient["maternal_last"]
                        p["dob"] = patient["dob"]
                        p["gender"] = patient["gender"]

        # list of patients registered for today's clinic

        return patients

For more information, visit

Registration and Routing API

The following describes the registation and routing APIs. They are ordered in the generally expected order of use as a patient enters and leaves the clinic.

  • login - password-based login of user accessing the database. Returns token for use in Authorization header in subsequent requests.
  • logout - logout user.
  • station - represents a class of station where care is given, e.g., a dental chair, ENT, Speech, Audiology, etc.. This resource is mostly static, created before any clinics are created.
  • clinic - represents an instance of one of our clinics held at a specific location over a specific range of dates. This resource is created offline before the clinic begins.
  • clinicstation - a tuple consisting of a clinic and a station. Each clinic instance will have a number of clinicstations. This defines what stations were active at the clinic. Each clinicstation is created before the clinic.
  • patient - name, age, gender, and demographic information of a specific patient that has registered at one of our clinics. This information is gathered at registration time.
  • category - list of categories, one of which is assigned to the patient each time he or she is registered at a clinic. Used to determine what care is provided to the patient at the clinic.
  • image - image storage for a patient/clinic/station group. Used for x-rays, headshots, and surgery images. Images stored in base64.
  • mexicanstates - used to get a list of Mexican state names as UTF-8 strings.
  • queue - information about one or more clinic station queues as well as overall data related to patient wait times during an active clinic
  • register - a tuple that records the registration of a patient at a specific clinic. Also records the checkin and checkout times of the patient.
  • routingslip - the routing slip for a patient. This defines what stations a patient is scheduled to visit or has visited at a specific clinic.
  • routingslipentry - an ordered routingslip/clinicstation tuple. Unique for a given routingslip.
  • routingslipcomment - a comment made by a user on a specific routingslip, typically to document why a routingslipentry is present. Records the comment and who made it. Multiple comments can be made by multiple people against a given routingslip.
  • statechange - tracks the activity of patients and clinicstations for a specific clinic. Patients check "in" and "out" of clinicstations. Used to determine rputing of the patient.
  • returntoclinic - used to record that a patient needs to return to a future clinic and visit a specific station at that future clinic. Used to prefill the routing slip of the patient at a subsequent visit.
  • returntoclinicstation - used to record that a patient needs to return during the current clinic to a station the patient has aleady visited after visiting another clinic station. For example, a dentist may send a patient to x-ray and want the patient to be returned to dental once the x-rays have been taken.
  • consent - used to add, delete, update and get consent information from the database. Used to record the consent information of the patients.

Clinical Data APIs

The remaining APIs are oriented towards storing clinic data related to a specialty.

  • audiogram - records audiogram images organized by patient and clinic

  • medicalhistory - patient status recorded at the time the patient registers. Records the overall health of the patient.

  • medications - used to add, delete and get medication names from the database. Used to update and retrieve the entire list of medications from the database.

  • surgerytype - used to add, delete and get surgery types from the database. Used to update and retrieve the entire list of surgery types from the database.

  • surgeryhistory - used to add, delete, update and get surgery histories from the database. Used to record the surgery histories of the patients.

  • xray - used to add, delete, modify and get xray records from the database.

  • dentalcdt - used to add, delete, modify and get dental cdt code records from the database.

  • dentalstate - used to add, delete, modify and get dental state records from the database.

  • dentaltreatment - used to add, delete, modify and get dental treatment records from the database.

  • enthistory - used to add, delete, modify and get ENT medical history records from the database.

  • enthistoryextra - used to add, delete, modify and get ENT history "extra" records from the database. These are records that contain data not supported by enthistory tables, extending the conditions recorded for a specific enthistory record.

  • enttreatment - used to add, delete, modify and get ENT treatment records from the database.

  • entexam - used to add, delete, modify and get ENT exam records from the database.

  • entsurgicalhistory - used to add, delete, modify and get ENT surgical history records from the database.

  • entdiagnosis - used to add, delete, modify and get ENT diagnosis records from the database.

  • entdiagnosisextra - used to add, delete, modify and get ENT diagnosis records from the database. These are records that contain data not supported by entdiagnosis tables, extending the conditions recorded for a specific entdiagnosis record.

  • vaccine - vaccines based on United States CDC childhood vaccination schedule, obtained at the time the patient registers.

  • covidvac - used to add, delete, and get known list of COVID-19 vaccines


(C) Copyright Syd Logan 2016-2021
(C) Copyright Thousand Smiles Foundation 2016-2021

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.