ios-icon-generator is a shell script which aim to generate iOS/macOS/watchOS APP icons easier and simply.
VERSION: 2.0.0 USAGE: ./ srcfile dstpath DESCRIPTION: This script aim to generate iOS/macOS/watchOS APP icons easier and simply. srcfile - The source png image. Preferably above 1024x1024 dstpath - The destination path where the icons generate to. AUTHOR: smallmuou EXAMPLE: ./ 1024.png ~/123
- Clone
git clone
cd ios-icon-generator
chmod 777
- Run
smou:ios-icon-generator $ ./ 1024.png ~/output/
[INFO] Generate Icon-16.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-16@2x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-32.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-32@2x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-128.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-128@2x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-256.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-256@2x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-512.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-512@2x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-20@2x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-20@3x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-29@2x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-29@3x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-40@2x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-40@3x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-60@2x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-60@3x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-76@2x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-83.5@2x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-1024.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-24@2x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-27.5@2x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-86@2x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-98@2x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-108@2x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-44@2x.png ...
[INFO] Generate Icon-50@2x.png ...
[INFO] Congratulation. All icons for iOS/macOS/watchOS APP are generate to the directory: /Users/smou/output/.
PS: You can find out the icons in ~/output directory.
- Update iOS icons size
- Support macOS icons size
- Support watchOS icons size
- Remove ImageMagick Dependency
- Update code structure for add size more easy.
- Generate all size icons for iPhone and iPad.
This script follow MIT license.
If you have any question with using it, you can email to me. My email is: