This aim of this project is to provide a fully configurable bridge between diffrent REST APIs. Designed to be run from the command line, provides means for automation of data collecting, mapping and sending.
Provided commands should be executed in top directory.
Building the application:
mvn package
java -jar target/json_translator-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
The program will respond with:
Required arguments: mapping_yaml download_yaml upload_yaml
Downloading sample data from and sending them to smart-storm:
java -jar target/json_translator-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar src/main/resources/map_ow_smartstorm.yml src/main/resources/downloadOW.yml
Sample config files are placed at src/main/resources.
The system does the following:
- Reads the provided donwload.yml config file for an "url" field and builds a GET query string based on the "authentication" field.
- Downloads the data.
- Builds data to send as specified in the mapping.yml file.
- Sends each JSON to the url specified in send.yml.
The mapping.yml file syntax is specified as follows. Each top-level field is treated as an object to send, except for "mapping" field. The value read from this key specifies which field from the further specified objects to send should be replaced. The value in those fields specifies the input data key, from which the true value for the mapped field will be taken. A dot "." specifies an embedded object, see the openweathermap example below for deatails.
# The field name which will be mapped
mapping: measure_value
# Message objects
sensor_id: 5a45771b2c2a5166534a2719
desc: temperatura
measure_value: main.temp
sensor_id: 5a4577262c2a5166534a271a
desc: wilgotnosc
measure_value: main.humidity
The following will get the corresponding values from a message of this form:
- url - this field specifies where to send the get request
- authentication - fields specified in this object will be converted to GET request parameters
# URL to send the GET request to.
# This fields are intended for authentication, but can be used to add any fields to the request
lat: 35
lon: 139
appid : b6907d289e10d714a6e88b30761fae22
The url field is required and specifies where messages created from the mapping.yml configuration will be sent.
# The URL to which the post requests will be issued