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Command Line Options

Alex Coventry edited this page Jun 14, 2019 · 9 revisions

Chainlink is developing rapidly. Verify these options for your version with chainlink --help.

   chainlink - CLI for Chainlink

   chainlink [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


     local                     Commands which are run locally
     login                     Login to remote client by creating a session cookie
     account, a                Display the account address with its ETH & LINK balances
     jobspecs, jobs, j, specs  Get all jobs
     show, s                   Show a specific job
     create, c                 Create job spec from JSON
     archivejob                Archive job and all associated runs
     run, r                    Begin job run for specid
     showrun, sr               Show a job run for a RunID
     bridge                    Add a new bridge to the node
     getbridges                List all bridges added to the node
     showbridge                Show a specific bridge
     removebridge              Removes a specific bridge
     externalinitiators, exi   Tasks for managing external initiators
     agree, createsa           Creates a service agreement
     withdraw, w               Withdraw, to an authorized Ethereum <address>, <amount> units of LINK. Withdraws from the configured oracle contract by default, or from contract optionally specified by a third command-line argument --from-oracle-contract-address=<contract address>. Address inputs must be in EIP55-compliant capitalization.
     sendether                 Send <amount> ETH from the node's ETH account to an <address>.
     chpass                    Change your password
     transactions              List the transactions in descending order
     txattempts                List the transaction attempts in descending order
     createextrakey            Create a key in the node's keystore alongside the existing key; to create an original key, just run the node
     help, h                   Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --json, -j     json output as opposed to table
   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version