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Releases: smarthome-go/node

Node v0.5.0

02 Sep 21:22
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Changelog for v0.5.0


  • (Breaking) Health check now also requires authentication and therefore
    validates the node's token

Node v0.4.0

05 May 12:31
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Changelog for v0.4.0


  • (Breaking) Health check now also requires authentication and therefore
    validates the node's token

Node v0.3.1

31 Jul 22:04
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Changelog for v0.3.1

This is an important bug fix!


  • Fixed SegFaults due to concurrent acces to (the GPIO library this project uses)
  • Those bugs would occur if using a switchRF after a switchGPIO

Node v0.3.0

31 Jul 21:21
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Changelog for v0.3.0

Generic GPIO devices

  • Added the switchesIgnore list
  • It is meant to contain switches present on other Hardware nodes in the network which cannot be handled by this particular node.
  • Requests referencing this switch will not result in an error but will be ignored entirely.
  • Note: Entering switches which exist in either switchesRF or switchesGPIO has absolutely no effect and is therefore not recommended.

The new configuration file looks like this:

	"port": 8081,
	"nodeName": "localhost",
	"tokenHash": "$2a$05$ZV/6K.KUab6h327xWhfmwOFZAXNGwXPmA2ayoB4.zakij/iQL4uny",
	"hardware": {
		"hardwareEnabled": false,
		"pin": 0,
		"protocol": 1,
		"repeat": 10,
		"pulseLength": 180,
		"contentLength": 24
	"switchesRF": [
			"id": "s1",
			"on": 0,
			"off": 0
	"switchesGPIO": [
			"id": "s2",
			"pin": 1,
			"invert": false
	"switchesIgnore": [

Node v0.2.0

31 Jul 20:08
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Changelog for v0.2.0

Generic GPIO devices

  • Added the invert setting to GPIO hardware which internally inverts every power request
  • This means an on will be changed to a off and the other way around
  • This setting is especially useful for controlling GPIO-relays

The new configuration file looks like this:

	"port": 8081,
	"nodeName": "localhost",
	"tokenHash": "$2a$05$/c/qAd6gfSh0HSXuQTH4EOiEWfqarjze/y4UdlLOdZFgqua.KUxZe",
	"hardware": {
		"hardwareEnabled": false,
		"pin": 0,
		"protocol": 1,
		"repeat": 10,
		"pulseLength": 180,
		"contentLength": 24
	"switchesRF": [
			"id": "s1",
			"on": 0,
			"off": 0
	"switchesGPIO": [
			"id": "s2",
			"pin": 1,
			"invert": false

Node v0.1.0

31 Jul 19:36
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Changelog for v0.1.0

Generic GPIO devices

  • Added support for generic GPIO devices
  • Alongside the preexisting 433mhz hardware, you can now leverage the power of any GPIO pin to be controllable via Smarthome

The new configuration file looks like this:

	"port": 8081,
	"nodeName": "localhost",
	"tokenHash": "$2a$05$T9NsGTrr847RI3yianF90Oi7PxUxANUybxGjSDgtlw3g6HI44xRbO",
	"hardware": {
		"hardwareEnabled": false,
		"pin": 0,
		"protocol": 1,
		"repeat": 10,
		"pulseLength": 180,
		"contentLength": 24
	"switchesRF": [
			"id": "s1",
			"on": 0,
			"off": 0
	"switchesGPIO": [
			"id": "s2",
			"pin": 1