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Prometheus Exporters

Set up common prometheus exporter configurations

Install to requirements.yml

- src:
  name: prometheus-exporters
  version: 2.0.0


For postgres_exporter

Set up permission for the postgres_exporter user (by default) to have access to the necessary stats, update the password to something more secure

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __tmp_create_user() returns void as $$
          SELECT                       -- SELECT list can stay empty for this
          FROM   pg_catalog.pg_user
          WHERE  usename = 'postgres_exporter') THEN
    CREATE USER postgres_exporter;
$$ language plpgsql;

SELECT __tmp_create_user();
DROP FUNCTION __tmp_create_user();

ALTER USER postgres_exporter WITH PASSWORD '<set-a-password>';
ALTER USER postgres_exporter SET SEARCH_PATH TO postgres_exporter,pg_catalog;

-- If deploying as non-superuser (for example in AWS RDS), uncomment the GRANT
-- line below and replace <MASTER_USER> with your root user.
-- GRANT postgres_exporter TO <MASTER_USER>;

GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE postgres TO postgres_exporter;

Firewall Ports

These ports should be opened to the prometheus server based on the enabled exporters:

Exporter Port
node 9100
statsd 9102
elasticsearch 9114
blackbox 9115
redis 9121
postgres 9187

Role Variables

  • node_exporter_version - Which version of node exporter to download
  • node_exporter_checksum - The checksum for the version of node exporter
  • node_exporter_env_file - A file, default to empty, can be in your playbook directory, that is the env file for the exporter, used to set NODE_EXPORTER_ARGS for command line args or other env vars for node exporter
  • redis_exporter_version - Which version of redis_exporter to download
  • redis_exporter_checksum - The checksum for the version of redis_exporter
  • redis_addr - The address of the redis instance to monitor
    • Default: redis://localhost:6379
  • postgres_exporter_version - Which version of postgres_exporter to download
  • postgres_exporter_checksum - The checksum for the version of postgres_exporter
  • postgres_exporter_connection_host - The host to connect to
    • Default: /var/run/postgresql/ to use the default postgres socket
  • postgres_exporter_connection_ssl_mode - If to use ssl when connecting
    • Default: disable - because the default is socket connection
  • postgres_exporter_connection_user -
    • Default: prometheus - the connecting user (uses identity be default)
  • postgres_exporter_data_source_uri - use URI style with username and password ommited, used in place of the previous options
  • postgres_exporter_data_source_user - use with URI style to specify the user
  • postgres_exporter_data_source_pass - use with URI style to specify the password
  • blackbox_exporter_version - Which version of blackbox_exporter to download
  • blackbox_exporter_checksum - The checksum for the version of blackbox_exporter
  • statsd_exporter_version - Which version of statsd_exporter to download
  • statsd_exporter_checksum - The checksum for the version of statsd_exporter
  • statsd_mapping_file - The file to use for statsd mapping to prometheus metrics
    • Default: an empty mappings file
  • elasticsearch_exporter_version - Which version of elasticsearch_exporter to download
  • elasticsearch_exporter_checksum - The checksum for the version of elasticsearch_exporter
  • elasticsearch_exporter_listen_addr - What interface and port to listen on, defaults to :9114
  • elasticsearch_exporter_uri - The URI of the ES node to connect to, should include username:password@ if necessary, default is http://localhost:9200



Example Configuration

If using the statsd_exporter action:

statsd_mapping_file: "{{ playbook_dir }}/files/statsd_mapping.yml"

Example Playbook

Node exporter only:

- hosts: servers
    - { role: prometheus-exporters, actions: ["node_exporter"] }

Redis exporter only:

- hosts: servers
    - { role: prometheus-exporters, actions: ["redis_exporter"] }

Postgres exporter only:

- hosts: servers
    - { role: prometheus-exporters, actions: ["postgres_exporter"] }

Blackbox exporter only:

- hosts: servers
    - { role: prometheus-exporters, actions: ["blackbox_exporter"] }

Statsd exporter only:

- hosts: servers
    - { role: prometheus-exporters, actions: ["statsd_exporter"] }

Elasticsearch exporter only:

- hosts: servers
    - { role: prometheus-exporters, actions: ["elasticsearch_exporter"] }



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