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Raphael Kiffer edited this page May 5, 2015 · 1 revision


The droid4me framework has been built with the following requirement in mind: make it possible to take legacy code compatible with it. This is especially true when it comes to build an application which also needs to use a library which forces to use basis Activity and Fragment classes.

On that purpose, the core of the droid4me Activity and Fragment basis classes use the Droid4mizer component, which is used to instrument those entities, and make them first citizen classes of the framework, so that they are turned into "droid4me-ready" entities.

Making an Activity/Fragment entity droid4me-ready

The framework imposes the following constraints, so that entities benefit from all facets of the framework:

  1. make them implement the Smartable interface. More specifically, the Activity must implement the SmartableActivity interface ;
  2. delegate the implementation of the previous interface methods to a Droid4mizer interface ;
  3. override the traditional Android Activity/Entity workflow methods: 1. onCreate() 1. onResume() 1. onStart() 1. onPause() 1. onStop() 1. onDestroy() 1. onSaveInstanceState()

The menu-related methods: 1. onCreateOptionsMenu() 1. onPrepareOptionsMenu() 1. onOptionsItemSelected() 1. onContextItemSelected() The Activity result activity: 1. onActivityResult() The Activity should moreover override the following methods: 1. onNewIntent() 1. onContentChanged() The Fragment should moreover override the following method: 1. onAttach()

Those constraints are both true for the Activity and Fragment entity classes. Once those methods have been overloaded, plus the one specific to the Smartable interface, your class is a first-citizen class of the framework, and it benefits all its facets.

Because this process requires a lot of boilerplate code, and because, we have not found another way to achieve those steps another way, copy, pasting & adapting the source code of the SmartActivity.

Nature of a droid4me-ready Activity/Fragment


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