17/12/21 This repository is now archived as it is no longer in use.
An intentionally vulnerable application, to test Snyk's Runtime Monitoring offering.
The docs there explain what the tool achieves. You might want to read them before continuing, to get a feel for what this demo is going to show. Once you've run the demo, you definitely will want to read them to learn how to integrate the agent into your application!
The runtime monitoring tool is open source. The documentation on how to get started with contributing to the agent is hosted on that project.
Everything should drive from npm
You just need node
or above) and npm
, installed and working.
$ npm ci
npm WARN prepare removing existing node_modules/ before installation
added 132 packages in 1.084s
$ npm run startWithAgent
You must specify a valid project ID.
Please run `snyk monitor`, collect the id from the results' settings page,
then re-run `start` using that ID.
For example (you *must* change the id!):
npm run startWithAgent 4567901-2345-6789-0123-45678912345
Then, run snyk cli:
$ snyk monitor
Monitoring node-woof...
Explore this snapshot at https://app.snyk.io/org/yall/project/4567901-2345-6789-0123-45679012345
$ npm run startWithAgent 4567901-2345-6789-0123-45678912345
Agent loaded successfully, your application is monitored.
| |
| The demo application has started successfully. |
| |
| You can visit the application, and trigger an exploit, |
| by visiting this url: |
| |
| http://localhost:3000/hello.txt |
| |
| You can stop the application with ctrl+c. |
| |
This will require('@snyk/nodejs-runtime-agent')
with your projectId
and then start the application.
You can visit the application. Simply visiting the application URL is sufficient evidence of an exploit!
If your application is protected, then you should shortly see the warning on your Snyk dashboard.