This is a tcp-server program for controlling a robot (Sota or CommU).
A sample client program is here.
If you want a binary program (jar file), you can download it from RobotController_bin.
- Build a JAR file by using eclipse.
- Move the JAR file into a directory of Sota (CommU).
- Edit (e.g. Port settings, etc)
- Run the JAR file:
java -jar RobotController.jar
, then the server will run. - Connect to the server by a client
You need the following libraries.
- core-2.2.jar
- gson-2.8.5.jar
- javase-2.2.jar
- jna-4.1.0.jar
- json-20180813.jar
- sotalib.jar (You can get it from
This server can accept the following commands:
- play_wav wav
- stop_wav
- play_pose pose
- stop_pose
- play_motion motion
- stop_motion
- play_idle_motion speed
- stop_idle_motion
- read_axes
This server communicates with the client in two stages as follows.
- The client sends the size of the message to be sent as an int type (4 byte).
- The client sends the message.
For example, if you use play_wav command, you should send message as follows:
- The client sends the size of the string "play_wav".
- The client sends the string "play_wav".
- The client sends the size of the wav data.
- The client sends the wav data.