Our assumption is that air quality correlates with social distancing, e.g. less CO2 emissions if fewer people drive around in cars or trucks, or businesses/factories go on shutdowns.
Currently we only fetch data from https://aqicn.org/
See example here: https://aqicn.org/city/beijing/
You can find their API docs here: https://aqicn.org/json-api/doc/#api-Geolocalized_Feed-GetGeolocFeed
We assume the AQI (Real-time Air Quality Index ) is a good overall index for the purpose of this hackathon
An example for Berlin: https://aqicn.org/city/germany/berlin/
- fetching data for all "Landkreise", see kreise_mit_center.csv for more info
- fetching historical data
- fetching forecasts
- in depth analysis of data points
- understand what AQI means, e.g. good, moderate, bad values (rule of thumb, the lower the better)
Please not that this is just an example and data might not be consistent
'landkreis_name': 'Südwestpfalz',
'datetime': '2020-03-21 18:15:09.328316',
'lat': '49.20807801390453',
'lon': '7.65775790003346',
'airquality': {
'aqi': 2,
'iaqi': {
'dew': {
'v': 3
'h': {
'v': 95.3
'no2': {
'v': 9.6
'o3': {
'v': 17.9
'p': {
'v': 1022.5
'pm10': {
'v': 2
't': {
'v': 3.6
'w': {
'v': 8.2
'wg': {
'v': 11.3
Request an API here https://aqicn.org/data-platform/token/#/
Please ask @Tho for aws credentials to access AWS firehose, unzip and move to /Users//.aws export AIR_QUALITY_API_TOKEN=
python airquality/airquality.py
We used boto3
as client to connect to firehose
client = boto3.client('firehose')
client.put_record(DeliveryStreamName='sdd-kinesis-<your data bucket>',
Record={'Data': base64.b64encode(<your data string>)})
Check with @Tho to get your DeliveryStreamName