Proxy that allows to log from raven to elasticsearch.
elasticsearch-raven can be installed as a normal Python package. Example installation for pip:
$ pip install elasticsearch-raven
Configure Ravan to your proxy location
RAVEN_CONFIG = { 'dsn': 'protocol://public:secret@host:port/index', }
public:secret is required by Raven, for valid Sentry dsn pattern, but it doesn't affect log sending.
Indexes are formatted with actual date. Suggested format:
basic-index-{0:%Y.%m.%d} will result in basic-index-YYYY.MM.DD
Define elasticsearch location by setting environment variable ELASTICSEARCH_HOST (default: 'localhost:9200')
export ELASTICSEARCH_HOST='localhost:9100'
If you use your elasticsearch with https protocol, you should set environment variable USE_SSL to True
export USE_SSL=True
To use http authentication just set ELASTICSEARCH_AUTH variable using 'login:password' format
export ELASTICSEARCH_AUTH=login:password
You can run with any http server that supports wsgi. Example using python simple HTTP server.
#!/usr/bin/env python from elasticsearch_raven.wsgi import application from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server httpd = make_server('', 8000, application) httpd.serve_forever()
You can run udp server with command: host port