Very early version with a lot of hacks.
Needless to say I take no responsibility for any damage you caused to your drone. You should know exactly what you are doing before attempting to use any of this code. Be extremely cautious with gamepad control as it might work entirely differently with your gamepad.
What works:
- Basic controls using a gamepad (up, down, rotate left, rotate right, forward, backward, left, right)
- Video stream
- Flip controls work most of the time
These are meant for Dualshock 4 controllers. Yours might be completely different.
- Up - Ascend
- Down - Descend
- Left - Rotate Counter-clockwise
- Right - Rotate Clockwise
- Up - Forward
- Down - Backward
- Left - Sideways left
- Right - Sideways right
- Up - Flip forward
- Back - Flip backward
- Left - Flip left
- Right - Flip right
- X - Take off / Land (toggle)
- libavcodec - Used for decoding H.264 packets
sudo apt-get install libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libxcursor-dev libxrandr-dev libglfw3-dev libxinerama-dev libxi-dev
Thanks dantam74
go get