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Security: Configure Keycloak for use with the API Server

swenhelge edited this page Nov 16, 2021 · 1 revision

Configure Keycloak for use with the API Server

Steps to configure a keycloak realm to issue suitable tokens for the API Server.

Create a new realm


Configure Organizations - Add groups

Currently organizations are not propagated to the IdP. You need to add organizations manually. In Keycloak we use the groups concept to represent an organization.

The example below adds a my-org organization:



Add a user

First add a user, then on the newly created user set the password - image


Add client configuration for the API Server

Add a new client and set the callback url and web-origin (for CORS). Use the correct host name and port according to your deployment.



Add roles to the client

Now we need to add the roles (org-admin, platform-admin) to the client




Add roles to user

Navigate to the user you created and switch to the role mappings tab - then in the "client roles" field select the name of the client you created (in the example platform-api-server). This will load the roles and you can assign both of the roles created previously to the user



Add groups to user

Navigate to the user you created and switch to the groups tab. Add the my-org group to the user:


Add mappers to the client

The issued JWT token must include the roles and groups as well as the audience (aud) claim. We need to set up mappers for these attributes.


Add groups (organizations) mapper

Click "Create" to add a new mapper. Set the new mapper up as follows:


Add audience (aud) mapper

Click "Create" to add a new mapper. Set the new mapper up as follows: image

Modify the Client Scope settings

Disable "Full Scope Allowed": image

Setup the Client Scopes

Go to the "Client Scopes" tab of your client and the sub-tab "Setup". Set the default and optional client scopes as shown below:


Preview the JWT token

Go to the "Client Scopes" tab of your client and the sub-tab "Evaluate". Select the user you created previously:


Then you can preview the token, check that it contains the right aud, resource_access / roles and organizations attributes:


Here is an example:

  "exp": 1619689009,
  "iat": 1619688709,
  "jti": "dd8c2095-e96f-4ee8-96c6-f3262b1508f9",
  "iss": "http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/apim-connector",
  "aud": "platform-api-server",
  "sub": "bfd13823-9987-446c-b4f8-5f9793be50bf",
  "typ": "Bearer",
  "azp": "platform-api-server",
  "session_state": "297121ef-77d0-4d3d-85ef-64ab2c9ef208",
  "acr": "1",
  "resource_access": {
    "platform-api-server": {
      "roles": [
  "scope": "openid profile",
  "organizations": [
  "name": "Harry H",
  "preferred_username": "harry",
  "given_name": "Harry",
  "family_name": "H"

Configure the API Server

Properties for claim and username extraction:


Will evaluate to "harry" given the JWT example above.


Will evaluate to


Will evaluate to


Properties for JWT verification


Must match the aud property in the JWT token - see example above


The URL of your keycloak realm, apim-connector is the realm name. Replace if you use another realm.


The location of public key used by keycloak - you need to download it from the "Realm Settings" in keycloak: image

Set the OpenId Connect Discovery URL

Will be in the format below. Replace host, port and realm (apim-connector in the example below) with the correct values for your deployment:
