palette = "mantis",
termguicolors = true,
terminal_color = true,
plugin_default = "auto", -- Sets how all plugins will be loaded
-- "auto": Uses lazy / packer enabled plugins to load highlights.
-- true: Enables all plugins highlights.
-- false: Disables all plugins.
plugins = { -- Allows for individual plugin overides using plugin name and value from above.
["bufferline.nvim"] = false,
palettes = {
mantis = { -- Extend or modify mantis palette colors
red = "#800010", -- Overrides mantis red color
highlights = {
global = { -- Add or modify hl groups globaly, theme specific hl groups take priority.
modify_hl_groups = function(hl, c)
hl.PluginColor4 = {fg = c.my_grey, bg = c.none }
["@String"] = {fg = "#ff00ff", bg = "NONE"},
mantis = {
-- first parameter is the highlight table and the second parameter is the color palette table
modify_hl_groups = function(hl, c) -- modify_hl_groups function allows you to modify hl groups,
hl.Comment.fg = c.my_color
hl.Comment.italic = true
["@String"] = {fg = "#ff00ff", bg = "NONE"},
- Neovim >= 0.8
- aerial.nvim
- beacon.nvim
- bufferline.nvim
- dashboard-nvim
- gitsigns.nvim
- hop.nvim
- indent_blankline.nvim
- lightspeed.nvim
- lualine
- neo-tree.nvim
- nvim-cmp
- nvim-dap-ui
- nvim-notify
- nvim-tree.lua
- nvim-treesitter
- nvim-ts-rainbow
- nvim-ts-rainbow2
- nvim-web-devicons
- telescope.nvim
- vimwiki
- which-key.nvim
{ "sommaa/mantis-nvim" }
use "sommaa/mantis-nvim"