is another simple s3 tool.
- Multi-environment configuration.
- List buckets.
- List Objects with a bucket.
- Download a object from bucket.
- Upload a object to a bucket.
- Delete objects from a bucket.
Default configration path is ./s3cli.json
or $HOME/s3cli.json
, the configration content look like:
"default": {
"region": "cn-east-1",
"endpoint": "s3-cn-east-1.qiniucs.com",
"access_key_id": "",
"secret_key_id": ""
"aliyun": {
"region": "oss-cn-hangzhou",
"endpoint": "oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com",
"access_key_id": "",
"secret_key_id": ""
The cli use default
group for default env, but you can use --env
to change.
You can use s3cli --help
or s3cli SUBCOMMAND --help
to check the usage details.
s3cli --help
s3cli is a CLI library for S3 API.
You can use it to list buckets、list and manage your objects.
s3cli [flags]
s3cli [command]
Available Commands:
delete-object delete object with bucket and batch keys, eg: s3cli delete-object BUCKET
get-object get object with bucket and key, eg: s3cli get-object BUCKET
help Help about any command
list-bucket list bucket with keyword, eg: s3cli list-bucket
list-object list object with bucket and prefix, eg: s3cli list-object BUCKET
put-object put object with bucket and a file, eg: s3cli put-object BUCKET
--config string config file (default is ./s3cli.json or $HOME/s3cli.json)
--env string the env configuration (default "default")
-h, --help help for s3cli
--page int page to list items (default 1)
--pagesize int size of page to list items (default 20)
Use "s3cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- qiniu
- aliyun
- aws
s3cli support all oss services that provide s3 protocol.