This project was develop to study how to implement Github Authentication using Oauth and React
The React app will ask Github for the Authorizarion Code, then, after getting it back from the Redirect URI, the React App will invoke a GET Method in the Backend Service, in order to exchange the Authorization Code for a Bearer Token
The NodeJS Backend act as a sample backend that knows about the ClientID and ClientSecret of the Github App
Since you shouldn't expose your Secret in the Frontend code, it's necessary to proxy the exchange throught a backend service
The backend service is located in the folder backend. Create a file called .env in the backend folder, with the following content:
If you don't have one, register your app at
Run the following script to start the backend service
cd backend
npm install
npm start
Your backend service should be listening at http://localhost:3001
yarn start
Your react app should be running at http://localhost:3000
Just create the .env file in the backend folder, with your CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET, and run the following command:
docker-compose up -d
This will build the image for the Frontend and Backend service, and you'll be able to test your application at http://localhost:3000
When you open the React app, if you're not logged in, you'll be automatically redirected to the Github Sign-in page