This is the source for my PhD thesis. It contains all required files. It is built on top of laursen's thesis template <>. The changes from the template are mostly significant in chapter headings (and the actual content :)).
This is an alternative to the "LUKE'S PHD THESIS TEMPLATE 1.2" used as standard layout for the thesis written at DTU Compute.
The template is using the Memoir class which includes a lot of useful and predefined commands. See the "Miscellaneous" chapter of the Memoir manual. Furthermore it uses XeLaTeX for maximum unicode support local fonts.
An updated version of the code can be downloaded from the repository at
All static information such as title, author, degree and so on can be changed in preamble/static.txt
Standard (>2014) TeX Live package including XeLaTeX and Biblatex.
The template uses the sans serif font TeX Gyre Adventor, which is contained in TeXLive and MiKTeX installation by default so no extra setup is necessary.
Note that Neo Sans font (DTU's main font) is the ultimative font
for headings. A similar font called Neo Sans Intel is also a good alternative which typically contains
more symbols. If the Neo Sans (Intel) font are installed on your system (un)comment the respective lines
in preamble/fonts.tex
Run the following for manual typesetting the document:
xelatex Thesis.tex biber Thesis.bcf xelatex Thesis.tex xelatex Thesis.tex
With the templates comes a Makefile
using latexmk
for easy compiling. There are two ways to use make either by:
or the auto
mode which automatic updates the pdf if *.tex or *.bib files are changed:
make auto
To clean up project run:
make clean
If using TextMate simply press "⌘R".
Remember to run Biblatex too.
Open Preferences and ensure under "Editor" that "Editor Font Encoding" is set to:
In Preferences under "Quick Build" change it to "User" and the following.
- For Windows users:
- For Mac users:
"/usr/texbin/xelatex" -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex|"/usr/texbin/biber" %.bcf|"/usr/texbin/xelatex" -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex|"/usr/texbin/xelatex" -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex|open %.pdf
Simply press "Quick Build". This will run all necessary commands including setting up your bibliography if there are any changes to it.
If the bibliography is not changed only xelatex
needs to run one single time. You can therefore select XeLaTeX from the run menu instead of the default in Quick build.