Plot bitmaps through your AxiDraw. Or lets say its not really plotting, its 'dotting'.
- Plot any monochrome bitmap via pyaxidraw
- 1-bit bitmap: 'dot' if value == 1
- 8-bit bitmap: 'dot' if value < 250
- Resolution: 20 dots per cm / 0.05mm
- Example: 70cm x 50cm print = 1400x1000px bitmap
- Progress is displayed via tqdm progress bars
- If plot is aborted, the remaining plotting data is stored in a recovery file to resume plotting
axi_pixel_plot uses open source libs and open data to work properly:
- tqdm - A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI
- Pillow - The friendly PIL fork (Python Imaging Library)
- pyaxidraw - Software for the AxiDraw drawing machine
- Clone this repo
- Install the requirements for this script
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Test the script to get some plot metadata via the included test.bmp
python3 --analyse test.bmp
- Plot the included test.bmp (plots a 2x1cm square / 188 pen-downs)
python3 --plot test.bmp
- Get help via
python3 -h
- This script is not plotting lines, it is pure pen-down / pen-up action -> This takes a while ;)...
- Movements are not optimized, reducing x/y movements could be easily done I guess.
- This script was tested on OSX and rpi4
- To run it on your raspberry:
sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev libopenjp2-7 libtiff5 libatlas-base-dev
prior to the pip3 install - I made some good experience with the Stabilo Fineliners for the pendown/penup action -> recommended tool of trade
Have fun