This project demonstrate how to create and build a Jenkins Jobs using Jenkins CLI. The project has two sample files: a sample Jinja template for jenkins job creation and a sample yaml file for values to be used in creation of jenkins job.
#jenkins #jenkinscli #jenkinsjob #pipelinejob
✔ JAVA (OpenJDK 8 or above)
✔ Jenkins (Version 2.204.0 or newer)
✔ Python (Version 3.0 or later)
✔ Pip (pip2 or pip3)
✔ Jinja2 (Latest version) ```snap install j2```
The command line interface can be accessed over SSH or with the Jenkins CLI client, a .jar file distributed with Jenkins.
- SSH service is disabled by default for new Jenkins installation.
- Go to Manage Jenkins → Configure Global Security. Under SSH Server, set the SSHD Port to Fixed (say 53801) or Random.
- User used for authentication with Jenkins master must have Overall/Read permission in order to access CLI.
- Add SSH public key for the user (which will be used to run Jenkins CLI commands) by navigating to Manage Jenkins → Manage Users → User Settings.
- Execute CLI help command, to check ssh service for CLI:
ssh -l <user> -p <ssh-port> <hostname or ipaddress> help
Example: ssh -l ubuntu -p 53801 localhost help
- Dowload the CLI client jar from jenkins master using url
- General syntax for using the CLI client:
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar [-s JENKINS_URL] [global options...] command [command options...] [arguments...]
- There are three basic mode for client connection:
-http, -websocket and -ssh
- SSH connection mode syntax:
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar [-s JENKINS_URL] -ssh -user kohsuke command ...
Example: java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -ssh -user ubuntu help
Step 1: Fork or Clone the repository
Step 2: Download the Jenkins CLI jar inside the cloned repository.
Step 3: Modify the values of pipeline.yaml
Step 4: Run the below command to create a jenkins job using Jenkins CLI.
j2 -f yaml pipeline.j2 pipeline.yaml | java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -ssh -user ubuntu create-job test6
Step 5: Run the below command to build the jenkins job using Jenkins CLI.
j2 -f yaml pipeline.j2 pipeline.yaml | java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -ssh -user ubuntu build test6 -f -v
Note: Plugins may also provide CLI commands; in order to determine the full list of commands available in a given Jenkins environment, execute the CLI help command:
ssh -l ubuntu -p 53801 localhost help
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -ssh -user ubuntu help
allow_concurrent: false
days_to_keep: -1
num_to_keep: 5
- name: GREET_NAME
value: Sourav
description: Name of the person to greet
creds_id: github
branch: master
script_path: Jenkinsfile
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage ('Greeting'){
steps {
echo "Hello ${env.GREET_NAME}"