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My dotfiles.

Since I use two laptops (+ homelab servers) daily and jump between environments all the time, I had to ensure my setup is fully compatible with both:

  • Debian/GNOME (personal laptop)
  • OSX (work laptop).



My recommendation is to not use the config as is and just use this to learn and pick up what you like. It is configured to be used for Go, Rust and JavaScript.

1. Install required binaries

  1. Have Alacritty, Starship, (Neo)Vim and Git installed of course.
  2. Install tmux and the plugins manager.
  3. Install zsh: Oh My ZSH, pwerlevel10k theme, zsh-autosuggestions and szsh-syntax-highlighting.
  4. Install Inconsolata font and Knack Nerd Font.
  5. Install some cool binaries like ripgrep, lf, bat, fd, exa and delta.
  6. If you're on OSX install reattach-to-user-namespace.

2. Backup your old configuration and get new ones

  1. Remove cache (or backup) first:
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim
rm -rf ~/.local/state/nvim
rm -rf ~/.cache/nvim
  1. Clone the repo and copy the nvim config.
git clone
cd dotfiles
mv nvim ~/.config/nvim
  1. Start tmux by running tmux and install tmux plugins with Prefix + I
  2. Open neovim and let the installer take its time to install all plugins. You may need to reopen neovim a few times to get everything installed.
  3. run :Mason and install LSP and formatters you're interested in.
  4. Optionally check out config files in the repository like .bash_profile, .alacritty.yml, .gitconfig, .tmux.conf, .zshrc, .eslintrc.js, prettierrc, .gitignore, .prettierignore and more.

Mappings and Environment

It's much easier to use right CMD or Alt instead of reaching out to escape. I also use Caps Lock for Control, since it's closer and easier to hit.

  • Escape -> Right CMD or Right Alt
  • Control -> Caps Lock

Tools to setup the key bindings: